Attendance: In response to the State’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency and the Mayor’s Proclamation of Emergency, the Ethics and Campaign Review Board meeting will be conducted virtually.
Viewing: Members of the public may stream the meeting live on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/cityofsantafe. The YouTube live stream can be accessed at this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers.
The video recording of this meeting will also remain available for viewing at any time on the City’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/cityofsantafe. Staff is available to help members of the public access pre-recorded meetings on-line at any time during normal business hours. Please call 955-6521 for assistance.
Public Comment: To provide public comment prior to the meeting, please click the virtual “comment” button next to the meeting at https://santafe.primegov.com/public/portal. To provide live public comment you must join the Zoom meeting by internet or phone, as follows:
Internet: To join the Zoom meeting on the internet using a computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, use the following link: https://santafenm-gov.zoom.us/j/84602702418?pwd=N0U2YURSeFZSQWpGWWxmSXZ2WlBpZz09.Passcode: 720465
Attendees should use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Chair to speak at the appropriate time.
Phone: To join the Zoom meeting using a phone, use the following phone number: 1 (346) 248-7799 Webinar ID: 846 0270 2418
Passcode: 720465
Phone attendees should press *9 to use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Chair to speak at the appropriate time.
Ethics and Campaign Review Board Meeting – August 19, 2021
Case #2021-2. Complaint Brought Forward by the Alan Webber for Mayor Campaign – In Accordance with Section 6-16.4 SFCC 1987 “Determination of Legal Sufficiency; Setting a Hearing.” Consideration of Whether the Complaint Sets Forth Legally Sufficient Facts Which, if True Show Probable Cause to Believe There Was a Violation. (The Board May Go Into Executive Session Under NMSA 1978, Section 10-15(H)(3) to Deliberate in Connection with an Administrative Adjudicatory Proceeding.)
Discussion of Actions.
Action Regarding Whether the Complaint Sets Forth Legally Sufficient Facts, Which, if True, Show Probable Cause to Believe There Was a Violation.
Action on Any Steps as Permitted Under Section 6-16