Attendance: In response to the State’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency, the Mayor’s Proclamation of Emergency, and the ban on public gatherings in excess of those permitted in the current Public Health Order, and the need to incorporate technology and practices to re-institute in-person meetings consistent with the limitations established by the Order, the Special Finance Committee meeting/Budget Hearings meeting will be conducted virtually.
Viewing: Members of the public may stream the meeting live on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/cityofsantafe. The YouTube live stream can be accessed at this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers.
Internet: To join the Zoom meeting on the internet using a computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, use the following link: https://santafenmgov.zoom.us/j/91023070113?pwd=QTJrQjl3M2c3TFpCRjVaRkJYZU53UT09. Passcode: 141109
Attendees should use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Chair to speak at the appropriate time.
Phone: To join the Zoom meeting using a phone, use the following phone numbers and Webinar ID: US: 1 (346) 248-7799 - Webinar ID: 910 2307 0113 - Passcode: 141109
Phone attendees should press *9 to use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Chair to speak at the appropriate time.