May 29, 2024 5:00 PM

Viewing: Members of the public may view the meeting through the Government Channel on Comcast Channel 28 and Comcast HD928 or may stream the meeting live on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel at The YouTube live stream can be accessed at this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers.
The video recording of this and all past meetings of the Governing Body will also remain available for viewing at any time on the City’s YouTube channel at Staff is available to help members of the public access pre-recorded Governing Body meetings on-line at any time during normal business hours. Please call 955-6521 for assistance.
Radio Broadcast: The meeting can be heard on radio station KSFR 101.1.
Written Public Comment: Members of the public may submit written comments on legislation by clicking on the comment bubble to the right of the meeting on the public portal at until 5 p.m. the day before the meeting.

Live Public Comment: Members of the public may provide public comment in person during Petitions from the Floor, Public Comment, Final Action on Legislation, or Public Hearings.

Virtual Public Comment: To provide public comment during Petitions from the Floor, Public Comment, Final Action on Legislation, or Public Hearings virtually, you must join the Zoom meeting by internet or phone, as follows:
Internet: To join the Zoom meeting on the internet using a computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, use the following link:
Attendees should use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Mayor to speak at the appropriate time.
Phone: To join the Zoom meeting using a phone, use the following phone numbers and Webinar ID: US: 1 (719) 359-4580 Webinar ID: 886 5240 7717
Phone attendees should press *9 to use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the Mayor to speak at the appropriate time.
The agenda and packet for the meeting will be posted at
Councilor Faulkner
Councilor Cassutt
Councilor Romero-Wirth
Updated Area Median Income Statistics and Santa Fe Homes Program (SFHP) Pricing Schedule Presentation. (Alexandra Ladd, Director of Affordable Housing; [email protected])
ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA                                                                                                              
Request for Approval of the May 8, 2024 Regular Governing Body Meeting Minutes.  (Geralyn Cardenas, Interim City Clerk; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body:  05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Liquor Hearing Officer’s Recommendation to Approve the Request from Casa Bonita Restaurant, LLC, for a Restaurant B (Beer, Wine & Spirits) Liquor License with On-Premises Consumption Only with Patio Service, to be Located at Casa Bonita Restaurant, 1814 Second Street. (Alexandria Mares, Marketing & Special Events Coordinator; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Liquor Hearing: 05/20/2024
Governing Body:  05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to General Services Contract Item #23-0089 with B&D Industries, Inc. to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,000,000 for a New Total Amount of $3,000,000 Exclusive of NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for Miscellaneous On-Call City-Wide Electrical Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to General Services Contract Item #23-0091 with Great Western Electrical Inc. to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,000,000 for a New Total Amount of $3,000,000 Exclusive of NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for Miscellaneous On-Call City-Wide Electrical Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 2 to General Services Contract Item #23-0089 with Bransford Electric, LLC. to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,000,000 for a New Total Amount of $3,000,000 Exclusive of NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for City-Wide On-Call Electrical Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Services Contract Item #23-0431 with Servexo Protective Services to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,200,000 for a New Total Amount of $6,600,000 Including NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for On-Call City-Wide Security Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Services Contract Item #23-0429 with Aarrowhead Security DBA Vet-Sec Protection Agency to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,200,000 for a New Total Amount of $6,600,000 Including NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for On-Call City-Wide Security Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 3 to Services Contract Item #23-0602 with Condor New Age Logistics, LLC to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $2,000,000 for a New Total Amount of $8,800,000 Including NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2026 for On-Call City-Wide Security Services. (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Construction Contract with National Roofing Co., Inc. for On-Call Roofing Services in a Total Amount Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Excluding NMGRT through June 30, 2029.  (Joshua Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request Approval of a Construction Contract with Davenport Construction Management, LLC in the Total Amount of $5,000,000 Excluding NMGRT for On-Call General Contractor Services Over a 5-Year Term. (Josh Bohlman, Facilities Project Administrator; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of General Services Contract with GM Emulsion, LLC  for Runway 2-20 Midfield Pavement Rehabilitation at the Santa Fe Regional Airport in the Total Amount of $1,727,032.93 Including NMGRT for a Four Year Term. (James Garduño, Project Manager, [email protected]; James Harris, Airport Manager, [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of General Services Contract with GM Emulsion, LLC for Crack Seal Repair on the North Apron at the Santa Fe Regional Airport in the Total Amount of $450,060.00 including NMGRT for a Four Year Term. (James Garduño, Project Manager, [email protected], James Harris, Airport Manager; [email protected]

Committee Review
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No.1 to the New Mexico Department of Transportation Aviation Division Grant # SAF-24-01 for the Purpose of Increasing State Funding to $6,600,000.  (James Harris, Airport Manager; [email protected] and Kelly Bynon, Administrative Manager; [email protected])

1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Total Amount of $2,600,000 to Increase WIP Construction Fund Using NMDOT Funding for the Continuation of the Terminal Expansion Project.

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Goods and Services Contract with Rain for Rent for the Removal, Purchase and Installation of Pumps and Filtration Equipment for the Paseo Real Wastewater Treatment Facility in the Total Amount of $903,214.87 through May 29, 2027. (Mike Dozier, Wastewater Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Goods and Services Contract with Great Western Electrical, Inc. for the Purchase and Installation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Fiber and Equipment at the Paseo Real Wastewater Treatment Facility in the Total Amount of $155,690.08 through May 29, 2025. (Michael Dozier, Wastewater Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Professional Services Contract with Molzen Corbin & Associates to Assist in Developing Means and Methods to Improve the Operation and Maintenance of the Paseo Real Wastewater Treatment Facility in the Total Amount of $180,000 through May 29, 2026. (Mike Dozier, Wastewater Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Grant Agreement (FTA G-30), with the US Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 American Rescue Plan Funds, for Public Transportation Service Funding in the Amount of $5,041,451 Expiring December 31, 2026.(Gabrielle Chavez, Transit Director of Administration; [email protected])
  1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Total Amount of $5,041,451 to Allocate Proceeds from the FTA Section 5307 American Rescue Plan Funds to FY24 Revenue.

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/29/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Grant Agreement (FTA G-30), with The US Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA), via the FTA Section 5307 Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Funds (CRRSAA), for Public Transportation Service Funding in the Amount of $1,660,795 Expiring September 30, 2026. (Gabrielle Chavez, Transit Director of Administration; [email protected])
  1.  Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Total Amount of $1,660,795 to Allocate Proceeds from the FTA CRRSSAA Grant to FY24 Revenue.

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 04/29/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024

Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Professional Service Agreement Item #23-0544 with Huitt-Zollars Inc. to Increase the Compensation by $247,899 for a New Total Amount of $12,223,071.12, Including NMGRT and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2025 for the Design of Administrative Offices and a Maintenance Facility for the Environmental Services Division. (Lawrence Garcia, ESD Maintenance Manager; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024                                        
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024                                                                                                                     
Governing Body: 05/29/2024     
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 2 to General Services Contract Item #22-0269 with Mobile Clean Car Wash to Extend the Term to June 30, 2025 for Auto Detailing of the Environmental Services Fleet. (Lawrence Garcia, ESD Maintenance Manager; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Amount of $125,000 from the Water Cash Enterprise Fund to the Water, Transmission and Distribution Operating Supplies to Purchase New Meters. (Randy Lopez, Transmission and Distribution Supervisor; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024  
Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Case #2022-5763 in the Matter of the Midtown General Plan Amendment, which was Approved at the November 30, 2022 Special Governing Body Meeting. (Heather Lamboy, Assistant Land Use Director[email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body: 05/29/2024

Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Case #2022-5764 in the Matter of the Midtown Master Plan, which was Approved at the November 30, 2022 Special Governing Body Meeting. (Heather Lamboy, Assistant Land Use Director[email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body: 05/29/2024 
Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Case #2022-5765 in the Matter of the Midtown Rezoning, which was Approved at the November 30, 2022 Special Governing Body Meeting. (Heather Lamboy, Assistant Land Use Director[email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Case #2022-5766 in the Matter of Text Amendments to the Midtown LINC Overlay District Ordinance, which was Approved at the November 30, 2022 Special Governing Body Meeting. (Heather Lamboy, Assistant Land Use Director[email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Total Amount of $100,000 from the Water Enterprise Cash Fund to the Water Division, Transmission and Distribution Section Operating Supplies to Replace 80 Galvanized Services. (Randy Lopez, Transmission and Distribution Supervisor, [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing body: 05/29/2024

Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Contract Item #21-0234 with the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe to Increase Total Compensation by $60,000 for a New Total Amount of $300,000 and to Amend the Term of the Agreement to May 31, 2025 to Plan, Coordinate and Execute the City Fourth of July Celebration. (Melissa McDonald, Parks and Open Space Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Schedule:
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of New Mexico Department of Public Safety Grant Acceptance for Appropriation 24-ZH5174 in the Amount of $93,377.65 for the Lieutenant Fred Beers III Honor Guard Equipment Distribution Program to Provide Equipment and Uniform Attire to Outfit the Santa Fe Fire Department Honor Guard with Reversion Date of July 30, 2024.  (Sten Johnson, Assistant Fire Chief; [email protected])
  1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate DFA Funding in the Amount of $93,377.65 into FY24 Revenue and Fire Department Operating Supplies and Uniform Expenses.

Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 2 to General Services Agreement Item #22-0176 with Mainline Information Systems to Increase the Compensation by $258,973 for a New Total Amount of $715,268.48 Inclusive of NMGRT and Extend the Term to May 31, 2025 for Managed Detection & Response Solution, Managed Risk Solution, and Managed Security Awareness. (Eric Candelaria, ITT Department Director; [email protected]; Larry Worstell, ITT Infrastructure Services Manager; [email protected]).

Committee Review
Quality of Life Committee: 05/22/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Professional Services Contract with RMKM Architecture, for Phase I Programming and Design of the 21st Century Fogelson Library and Community Center at Midtown Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $226,870 Including NMGRT for a Four Year Term. (Tim Farrell, Facilities Division Property Development Manager; [email protected])

Committee Review
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 5/20/2024
Finance Committee: 5/28/2024
Governing Body: 5/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with WSP USA, Inc, to Update the General Plan and Create a Digital User Platform In the Total Amount of $1,887,871.87, Inclusive of NMGRT for a Four Your Term. (Heather Lamboy, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Quality of Life Committee: 05/22/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate a New Mexico Department of Transportation Grant Award in the Total Amount of $80,000 Inclusive of a $16,000 Local Cash Match From the Municipal GRT Infrastructure Fund into FY 24 Grant Revenue and Professional Contracts. (Erick Aune, Santa Fe MPO Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee:  05/28/2024
Governing Body:  05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to General Services Contract Item #23-0157 with Thatcher Chemical of Arizona to Increase Annual Compensation Up to $500,000 Per Year and Extend the Term through April 19, 2027 for the Purchase and Delivery of Chemicals Used for Water Treatment. (Jonathan Montoya, Source of Supply Manager; [email protected])
  1. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) from Water Cash Fund To Chemical Services in the Total Amount of $177,428. 
Committee Review:
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval to Dispose of 11 Fleet Vehicles and Associated Equipment via Government-to-Government Transfer with the Anthony Police Department, Magdelena Marshal’s Office and the State of New Mexico Corrections Department in Accordance with the Santa Fe Police Department’s Fleet Replacement Policy. (Ben Valdez, Deputy Chief of Police; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Quality of Life Committe: 05/22/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body Committee: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of Amendment No. 7 to Item #21-0399 with Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk, P.A. to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount by $120,000 for a New Total of $454,387.50 Including NMGRT, and to Extend the Term to June 30, 2025 for Legal Services. (Marcos Martinez, Assistant City Attorney; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Recovery Funds Subrecipient Contract Amendment No. 1 to Item # 23-0501 with FII National dba UpTogether to Extend the Contract to June 30, 2026, and Extend the 12 Month Program for GED Certifications for Reoccurring Access to Funds Based on Emergent Community Needs. (Julie Sanchez, Youth and Family Services Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Quality of Life Committe: 05/22/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body Committee: 05/29/2024

CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2024-____. (Councilor Signe Lindell)
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine at the Railyard Park During the International Folk Art Market on July 11 and 13, 2024, Pursuant to Subsection 23-6.2(C) SFCC 1987.  (Geralyn F. Cardenas, Interim City Clerk; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 05/08/2024
Quality of Life Committee: 05/22/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024

CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Signe Lindell)
A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine During the Santa Fe PRIDE Festival on June 29, 2024, in a Beer and Wine Garden Adjacent to 100 S. Lincoln Avenue, Pursuant to Subsection 23-6.2(C) SFCC 1987.  (Geralyn F. Cardenas, Interim City Clerk; [email protected])

Committee Review: 
Governing Body Special Meeting (Introduced): 05/20/2024
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 05/20/2024 
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
Request for Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with Santa Fe County Regarding Investigation, Modeling, and Planning for Known PFAS Contamination at the Santa Fe Regional Airport. (John Dupuis, Public Utilities Director: [email protected])

Committee Review
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body: 05/29/2024
In Accordance with the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1, Subpart (H)(7), Attorney-Client Privileged Discussion of Pending and Threatened Litigation, Including, but not Limited to New Mexico Environment Department, Water Protection Division, Surface Water Quality Bureau v. City of Santa Fe, No. WQCC 24-__ (ACO) and Hill, et al. v. City of Santa Fe, D-101-CV-2023-02507.
 (Marcos D. Martinez, Senior Assistant City Attorney; [email protected])
CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, Councilor Signe Lindell, and Councilor Jamie Cassutt)
A Resolution Authorizing the Removal of Uncollectable, Unsecured Accounts Balances from the List of Accounts Balances of the Public Utility Billing Division of the City of Santa Fe. (Nancy Jimenez, Public Utility Division Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 05/29/2024
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 06/03/2024
Finance Committee: 06/10/2024
Governing Body: 06/12/2024

CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Mayor Alan Webber, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, Councilor Michael Garcia, and Councilor Pilar Faulkner)
A Resolution Recognizing the Importance of History; Calling for Placing Culturally and Historically Important Statues  in Respectful, Safe, Public Places to Tell the Story of Pueblo and New Mexico History in an Honest, Accurate, and Complete Manner; Beginning this Process by Placing the Pueblo Revolt Runners Statue in the Santa Fe Convention Center and Supporting Relocation of the Don Diego de Vargas Statue to the New Mexico History Museum, Which Includes the Palace of the Governors. (Erin K. McSherry, City Attorney; [email protected])

Committee Review: 
Governing Body (Introduced): 05/29/2024
Quality of Life Committee: 06/05/2024
Finance Committee: 06/10/2024
Governing Body: 06/12/2024
CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Mayor Alan Webber)
A Resolution Authorizing the City of Santa Fe’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Staff to Apply for Resubdivision, Summary Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustments, Lot Splits, Dedication of Right of Way, and Other Land Use Approvals Necessary to Create Parcels and Rights of Way that are Consistent with the Midtown Master Plan. (Karen Iverson, Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Director; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 05/29/2024
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 06/03/2024
Quality of Life Committee: 06/05/2024
Governing Body: 06/12/2024
CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Councilor Amanda Chavez and Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth)
A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director, and Named Public Utilities Department Staff to Act as Designated Signatories on Certain Water, Wastewater, and Environmental Service Projects. (Jesse Roach, Water Division Director [email protected]; Mike Dozier, Wastewater Division Director [email protected]; Debora Trujillo, Environmental Services Division Interim Director [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 05/29/2024
Public Works and Utilities Committee: 06/03/2024
Finance Committee: 06/10/2024
Governing Body: 06/12/2024

PUBLIC COMMENT ON BILLS (First Public Comment, No Action)
CONSIDERATION OF BILL NO. 2024-3. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2024-_____. (Councilor Jamie Cassutt and Councilor Alma Castro)
A Bill Relating to Housing Discrimination; Defining “Source of Income” and Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Source of Income; Including “Sex” in Addition to “Gender” as a Protected Class; Defining “Owner”; and Making Technical Corrections. (Alexandra Ladd, Project Manager- Affordable Housing Department; [email protected])

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 04/10/2024
Governing Body (Public Comment): 04/24/2024
Quality of Life Committee: 05/01/2024
Finance Committee: 05/28/2024
Governing Body (Public Hearing): 05/29/2024 POSTPONED 
Quality of Life Committee:  06/18/2024
Finance Committee:  06/24/2024
Governing Body (Public Hearing):  06/26/2024

CONSIDERATION OF BILL NO. 2024-6. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 2024-_____. (Mayor Alan Webber)
A Bill Relating to the High-End Excise Tax for Affordable Housing; Assigning the Purchaser/Grantee the Responsibility to Attest to Consideration. (Erin K. McSherry, City Attorney; [email protected]

Committee Review:
Governing Body (Introduced): 04/10/2024
Governing Body (Public Comment): 04/24/2024
Finance Committee: 05/06/2024
Governing Body (Public Hearing): 05/29/2024 POSTPONED TO THE NEXT GOVERNING BODY MEETING
Governing Body (Public Hearing): 06/12/2024

PUBLIC HEARINGS (Land Use Cases, Appeals, and Other Items Required to Have a Public Hearing)
Planning Commission
  • Gurushabad “Sheb” Mirando – Reappointment – Term Ending 06/2026
  • Dr. Peter Smith – Reappointment – Term Ending 06/2026
Santa Fe Public Library Board
  • Meghan McGarrity – Appointment – Term Ending 07/2025
  • Tamina Painter – Appointment – Term Ending  07/2027
Closed captions are provided for this meeting. Persons with disabilities in need fo additional accommodations, contact the City Clerk’s office at 505-955-6521, five (5) working days prior to meeting date.